Tote bags are the most commonly used things in daily life. When going out, you can not only put the sundries in the handbag, but also match with other outfits to increase the fashion sense. With Christmas fast approaching, these Christmas Tote Bags are perfect for the festive mood. Today we are going to share a few crochet Christmas Tote Bag tutorials. Tote Bags by Repeatcrafterme are available in different patterns. Including Santa Claus, a snowman, and a Tote Bag featuring elk. Actually you just need to change the color in different places, each handbag has its own unique decoration which is very cute. The Tote Bag designed by Naztazia is a crochet project with Santa Claus as the element. In the position of the mouth of the bag, white fluff is added, which highlights the elements of Santa Claus and sets off the atmosphere of Christmas. Many thanks to Repeatcrafterme and Naztazia for sharing the FREE crochet Patterns, it’s so fitting. Links to these free crochet patterns are below the pictures, Happy Crochet!
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Links to these Christmas Tote Bag free crochet patterns are here:
FREE PATTERN 1 by Repeatcrafterme
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